International Journal of Contemporary Business and Entrepreneurship (IJCBE) is a peer-reviewed scientific research journal that publishes original work recommended by a double-blind review process conducted by peer scholars. There is constantly increasing academic, business and policy interest in the contributions that entrepreneurship and businesses make to economic and social growth and regeneration in both national and international environments. The vision for the Journal is a high quality, multidisciplinary publication that embraces and encourages work on entrepreneurship and contemporary business from a range of scholarly perspectives. The Journal is non-prescriptive with respect to methodology, accepting qualitative and quantitative work equally on merit. The aim of IJCBE is to push the boundaries of current entrepreneurial and contemporary business thoughts. IJCBE provides an internationally recognized platform for exploration and debate centering on research which is relevant to scientific, policy, commercial and social concerns, and which makes a wider impact beyond the academic community. The journal focuses on the diverse and complex characteristics of entrepreneurship and contemporary businesses that lead to competitiveness in the face of the effects of globalization.

IJCBE is international in scope and acknowledges theory and evidenced-based research in business and entrepreneurship conducted and/or applied in all regions of the world and as such leads to a better understanding of the unique efforts of specific institutional and cultural contexts on business and entrepreneurship. While research that adds universal value without limitations of geographic boundaries is of special interest, we expect authors to acknowledge any efforts unique to a particular international, institution, cultural or physical environment. IJCBE is devoted to content and quality standards based on the scientific methods, relevant theory, tested or testable propositions, and appropriate data and evidence, all replicable by others, and all representing original contributions. IJCBE reacts to the contemporary international context and includes an array of topics affecting the entrepreneurial ecosystem and transformations that result and benefit society. IJCBE publishes conceptual papers and empirical studies that bring together issues of interest to academic researchers and educators, policy-makers and practitioners worldwide and is an effective channel to disseminate the achievements of scientific or technological advances in both technology-intensive entrepreneurial and business environments. Accepted papers present outcomes of initiatives and findings across the contemporary business and entrepreneurial issues offering a comprehensive view of the advancements in the field. Studies published might be theoretical pieces, qualitative and quantitative empirical work, and/or case studies. Multi/interdisciplinary approach is encouraged.

Please visit the official IJCBE website for more information: